
Set up Liaisons to the International FiCare Committee

If you are able to support liaisons from your site to the International FiCare committee you will stay up to date on developments within the international community. The community wants to support your growth and sustainment as a member of the FiCare community. 

Building Mentorship Relationships

The giving and receiving of mentorship is needed for sustaining your work within the larger FiCare community. You can make informal contact with those in your network and get involved in formal mentorship relationships depending on your location and interest. 

Be involved in viewing and creating content for the community

If possible, contributing content for use by the FiCare international community for this website and forthcoming newsletters will keep us all connected. Information about how to get involved in contributing will be shortly available here. 

Access the FiCare Toolkit & Resources

for downloads, videos and links to support FiCare implementation